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Can I back up Hyper-V VMs that are part of a development pipeline? - Printable Version

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Can I back up Hyper-V VMs that are part of a development pipeline? - savas - 12-26-2019

Absolutely, it makes perfect sense to back up Hyper-V virtual machines that are part of a development pipeline. It's a common concern, especially when you’re dealing with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes where things can change rapidly. Backing up your VMs can be a good safety net, protecting you from unexpected issues like data loss or configuration mishaps.

First off, you’ll want to consider how often the VMs are getting updated in the pipeline. If they’re changing frequently, you might need to set up a more regular backup schedule to keep everything current. This is especially true if you’re iterating on your application and not just testing static builds. The last thing anyone needs is to roll back to a snapshot from a week ago and lose a ton of progress.

When backing up Hyper-V, you typically have a couple of options. You can take checkpoints before major changes, but it’s worth mentioning that while snapshots are super helpful, they’re not a full substitute for backups. They can add overhead and aren’t designed for long-term storage. So, for a more reliable backup solution, consider using a dedicated backup tool that can create full VM backups. Many tools out there support Hyper-V and can handle incremental backups, which means they only change what’s necessary, saving you time and storage space.

One thing to keep in mind is the impact on performance. Backing up can be resource-intensive, so you might want to schedule the backups during off-peak hours to avoid slowing down your pipeline. It’s all about balancing the trade-offs between performance and protection.

How do you avoid generating a million copies of your development VMs? You would want to use a backup software that implements the concepts incremental backup and version backup properly. With incremental backup, the contents of the VM backup are basically deduplicated. This means that pieces that don't change from backup to backup are cut out so they don't have to be stored over and over again. Version backup then ensures that you only keep as many restore points as you want, such as the last 15 backups for example.

Also, think about how you’ll restore those backups. If everything goes sideways, how quickly can you spin up that backup? Practice your restore process. Knowing how to recover your environment smoothly is just as crucial as having the backups in the first place.

Integration with the pipeline is another thing to think about. Some backup solutions allow you to automate backups as part of the CI/CD process, which can help ensure that you’re always working with the most recent version of your VMs. Plus, having that level of automation can free you from manual processes that might introduce human error.

Lastly, depending on your team’s needs, you should also look into how you can back up specific configurations or data within the VMs themselves. Whether it’s databases or specific files, having those stored separately or backed up can be a lifesaver in a development environment where everything is constantly evolving. This is generally known as Granular Backup.

In the end, backing up your Hyper-V VMs in a development pipeline isn’t just possible; it’s something you should definitely prioritize. It helps you maintain a steady flow while safeguarding your work against unforeseen hiccups.

I hope my post was useful. Are you new to Hyper-V and do you have a good Hyper-V backup software? See my other post